Wednesday, July 22, 2009


The Japanese  word for eclipse is ni-shyoku, which broken down means "Eating the sun."  Today there was supposed to be a partial eclipse but instead the sun was completely eclipsed
by clouds.

My day was still a lot of fun, but homework lasted until now and I still have about an hour left.  And miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep.

High:Playing soccer with Koh after school.  It felt great to run around.
Low:My legs hurt a TON today during the tea ceremony, but I'll explain that tomorrow.
Hero:Mamasan for bringing me passionfruit juice at like 2AM while I was studying.  


  1. Glad you have Mamasan to pamper you when you are tired and trying to concentrate. I wish you were here, and I would do the same!
    Love, Grammy and Grampy

  2. Robert Frost would be so proud. But where is the snow?
