Thursday, July 16, 2009


Today's Japanese title means "I'm full!" and today was one of the rare days in Japan when I truly felt like this was the case.  Most Japanese foods feel like collections of appetizers, and lack the feeling that American food gives of being so stuffed that you can't eat more.  But tonights dinner did the trick!
When I got down for dinner the table was covered in newspaper and there was a big grill like thing in the middle.  It was Yakiniku! This meant we cook our own buttery mushrooms, meat, and other veggies and eat to our heart's content.  Super yummy.
Anyway I kind of did today backwards, starting with dinner.  The only other thing of note that happened today was part three of pottery class.  Today was glazing!  I picked out a black glaze with a white crackly glaze splattered on top.  Now it looks like this!
Now I realize it looks red and white right now, but if I understood their Japanese it will turn black in the kiln.

High: Deeeelishious dinner.
Low: The anticipated quiz on Kanji tomorrow.
Hero: I met a random Japanese person on the bus who approached me wanting to practice her english.  So she spoke in english to me, and I spoke back to her in Japanese! It was a blast.


  1. I'm glad you finally got full! We love you,
    Grammy and Grampy
