Monday, June 15, 2009

First Day of Classes

Whew! What a day!

I found out today that I was placed into Intermediate Class 1A, and although the teacher seems incredibly nice the workload is tremendous.  They flooded us with packets today, and many of them have parts that are due tomorrow.  Ahhh!

On the positive side, some exciting things to look forward to:
-In class starting next week, show and tell starts! each day will be a different student, and we can bring anything! It's the best part of kindergarten all over again!
-Everyday it's possible to earn stamps for doing things well, volunteering, etc.  cool!
-Tomorrow, I was chosen to be the teacher's assistant (because I'm first alphabetically) and that means I'll get to read announcements and erase the blackboard and stuff.  More on that tomorrow!

To escape the tons and tons of homework, I went for a brief walk to the Depaato (Department store) and bought a dictionary.  Whilst there, I saw this eloquent shirt and photographed it for all the world to see:
Ummmm yea. I wonder if anyone who has ever bought this shirt could read english.

After the brief victorious trek to the mall, I gathered up some friends and went to a kaiten-zushi, or a conveyor belt sushi restaurant for dinner. What an awesome way to dine!  The chef stands in the middle where you can watch her make sushi and sashimi out of really fresh ingredients.  She then puts it on a colored plate (the plate color corresponds to price) and sets it off on its conveyor belt journey.  When you see something you take it!  Sometimes deals float by unnoticed and other times you're just too hungry to care and take whatever comes first.  I felt like a hunter/gatherer.

High: The restaurant! Delicious! My favorite was the tenpura squid!

Low: All the homework- our first quiz is tomorrow over 30 new kanji...

Hero: Ito-sensei, my new teacher! She seems wonderful, but we'll find out more tomorrow when I'm her assistant.

Since I feel like a picture doesn't really capture the experience, heres a quick video!


  1. it is like my dream to do that. you have no idea. food on a conveyor belt. yesh. just yesh.

  2. Buy me a conveyor belt and I could pull that off. I have always been a short order cook for you 4! Can't wait to hear about your day tomorrow.
    Have fun!

  3. silly japanese, everyone knows thats not how you spell vampires! :P


  4. Brown-san, nice candid cinematography yo! That was a lot of fun.

  5. I kinda hope that weight lifting stamp makes a comeback. Just once. And then a lot of happy stamps after that.

  6. she's cute.
    am i talking about the chef, one of your companions or the squid?

  7. "do you want to consume one?" -Chris. Fave part of video.
